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Sinistra's Todo List



Hello! This is going to be my to-do list so I'm not spamming up the board with a list lol here I will be making a list of things I need to do around here to improve community engagement, and some cool things I think might help out the site.  


Forum Content and Goals.

  1. Create Content
    Need to work on creating more content for the site to improve traffic.
  2. Get Staff Members 
    Need to send out a mass email to all members and see if I can get any of the old staff back  If not work on getting members and find staff accordingly 
  3. Work on Forum names and Descriptions 
    Work on writing more developed forum descriptions and more engaging forum names
  4. Work on Reviews Section
    Write and post more reviews for anime, games, and manga.
  5. Create a Tutorials section and write tutorials. 
    Create a Tutorial section and fill it with content. 


Theme Add-Ons 

  1. Add Online Status community-wide
    Add online Status indicators community-wide 
  2. Redesign the wording logo! 
    Make some minor adjustments to the main logo!



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